№23 Catholic Robin Hood: Slayer of Papists

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00:00:00 - Robin & the Monk story
00:03:33 - Swordbreaking as breaking from the ideal
00:04:10 - How English heirarchy reforms the King
00:05:33 - Weakness of tyrannical hierarchies
00:06:33 - Not robbers, noble reformers
00:07:21 - defrocking false authority
00:08:16 - Reforming papists
00:08:58 - Robin is pro catholic, anti papacy
00:11:21 - Oral tradition's value
00:12:33 - Rant on Woke iconoclasts & fake counterculture
00:14:28 - Practices to take from this?
00:16:14 - They cannot endure

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