Po’s Law | Recovering Sorority, soul & Hearth

Youtuber and Illustrator Po's Law joins me, we cover
ReInitiation into christianity,
truth of talismans and magic,
Hereditary values and her journey in the e-right community.
PO'S LINKS: https://twitter.com/PoThePerson

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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00:00 - Coming up
00:01:04 - Newathiest to trad&religion
00:06:18 - Anti-utilitarian Being & Christmas as ritual
00:09:26 - The true irreducible is human
00:12:12 - Christianity: Perspectival Trumps Propositional
00:16:56 - Talismans & Magic = real?
00:22:26 - Mythos & story & culture
00:25:30 - Hereditary Story & values
00:29:00 - When Nature Becomes Psyche
00:31:27 - We're no rational animal WE ARE BEING
00:34:39 - Rightwing Youtuber turns mother
00:39:25 - Reactionary females
00:42:40 - Engaging community Being
00:50:07 - Wamen & Sorority
00:53:53 - Loving the process
00:58:30 - Po's Work: Illustration

Greenwood deciphers the essence of English speaking values & virtues nested in the heroic sagas, symbols, legends & lore that cultivated English civilisation. Readings and analysis of great—and esoteric—English verse, tradition, narrative, ritual & speech to uncover hidden psychotechnologies to solve today's problems.

This content is for Associate Producer members only.
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