№25 The WILD Hunt: the truth about Foxhunting

READING LINK: https://scottmannion.com/uncategorized/the-green-knight-foxhunting-reading/
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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Not aristocratic, ENGLISH, values from the king
00:46 - Foxhunting origins
01:13 - Readingp1: The Green Knight & Foxhunting: Leaving the citadel
01:51 - p2: Into the wild Hunting Reynard Fox
03:12 - p3: Killing & sanctifying: Fox and Dragon
04:27 - Text analysis: fox hunting as religious practice
05:40 - The Horn and the Border of the wild
06:41 - More symbolism in the Hunt
08:57 - The Hunt as a MASS in the WILD
11:09 - Killing the fox is honouring it
11:45 - Religious ritual, not mere ceremony
13:54 - Ritual Uniform: no mere 'aesthetic'
16:10 - Ritual prep: it's effects on hunt and hunter
17:18 - The Heirarchy of the Hunt: A tribal organism
19:06 - The procedure of Huntday
21:56 - The hunt as organism & distributed cognition
24:04 - Holy effects of the sword: Symbolic dragonslaying
25:10 - Hunt as prep for war: Why killing foxes slay dragons
27:25 - The virtue training & utility of the hunt
29:27 - Hunt as Insight practice & perspectival knowledge
30:55 - Your being extends beyond your body
31:50 - Opening tribal folk way of being & seeing
32:46 - Authentic understanding vs correctness
33:22 - An Englishman should Walk By Foot
34:22 - Renew folk ways
35:56 - Amplifying awe & effects for hunters

Greenwood deciphers the essence of English speaking values & virtues nested in the heroic sagas, symbols, legends & lore that cultivated English civilisation. Readings and analysis of great—and esoteric—English verse, tradition, narrative, ritual & speech to uncover hidden psychotechnologies to solve today's problems. Subscribe at https://youtube.com/scottmannion Join the Greenwood project and participate at https://greenwood.media

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