№6 TRUE meaning of ANGLO-saxon mythos verse THE EXILED ONE (The Wanderer)

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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00:00 - Framing The Exiled One
00:01:29 - Reading The Exiled One
00:07:34 - Anglo-saxon vs Mediterranean Cosmology
00:12:06 - Analysing The Exiled One: Verse by verse
00:21:45 - Bleak Heroic/Ragnarok & modern equivalents
00:28:14 - Mining Practices from the reading
00:33:38 - The Benefits of those practices
00:34:51 - A CALL TO ACTION

Greenwood: Exploring the heroic sagas, legends & lore that cultivate English speaking Culture. Readings and analysis of great, and esoteric, English verse, narrative, prose, and speech, to decipher their meaning and psychological value.

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